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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Vice-rector on scientific  work

Anatoly Vladimirovich Kubyshkin - vice-rector on scientific work of the State institution ”Crimean state medical university named after S. I. Georgievsky”, Doctor of Medicine, professor, head of the department of pathological physiology.

In 1982 he graduated from the CSMU with the honors, a Doctor of Medicine (1994), academician of the Crimean academy of sciences, a fellow of the New-York academy of sciences, laureate of state award of the Republic of Crimea (1995), Honoured Worker of science and technique of Autonomous Republic of Crimea (2006).

His working activity he started in 1982 in the position of research fellow of Yalta research institute of physical methods of treatment and medical climatology named after I.M. Sechenov.

In 1990-1995 he was a head of the central research laboratory; 1995, a professor of the department of pathological physiology at the Crimean medical university, since 2008, the head of the department of pathological physiology. Professor Kubyshkin was the first to organise teaching pathophysiology in English at the department and the department became a supporting one in Ukraine to teach pathophysiology in English. Professor Kubyshkin is the author of learner’s guide and the course of lectures in English.

The main direction of research is influence of pathogenic factors on the state of health and mechanisms of pathological processes formation with the involvement of regulatory systems.

Study of pathogenetic role of proteolytic enzymes and their inhibitors as well as adjacent systems in the development of inflammation, allergic reactions, states of shock, and oncopathology is the basis of his scientific research. More than 200 research papers are published being a result of scientific research work, 11 patents for inventions received, and 6 monographs in co-authorship written. A.V. Kubyshkin takes an active part in the life of university and Crimea. He was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Crimea, vice chairman of the committee of science and education. He took an active part in the foundation of the Crimean Academy of Sciences, worked as a dean of international medical faculty and then as a vice rector of international relations of the Crimea state medical university.

A.V. Kubyshkin was on a trainee job “Organization of work of medical centre” in the USA, took part in the conferences ”Organization of higher medical education” in Poland and Malaysia, also in realization of projects on organization of health care in Autonomous Republic of Crimea within the U.N.O. local program of development and integration of Crimea.

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