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State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Babanin Anatoly Andreyevich was born on 19th August 1940 in the village of Matyash, Priluzky region, Komi Republic.

In 1965 he graduated with honours from the Crimea State Medical Institute and was proposed to continue his scientific work at the Department of Operative Surgery with Topographic Anatomy. Since 1978 Babanin A. A. had been the professor at the Department of Human Anatomy, since 1982 - professor and later on the head of the Department of Forensic Medicine with the Course of Law; since 1996 the Professor has been the rector of the University.

Babanin А. А. has been a Doctor of Medicine since 1976, Professor since 1980, corresponding member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the International Academy of Integrated Anthropology; the Academy of Medical Sciences of Poland.

Anatoly Andreyevich is a prominent lecturer and sympathetic teacher, whose aim is to educate future doctors, scientists, and worthy citizens of the country. In 2008 the International Biographical Center (Cambridge, England) featured Babanin Anatoly Andreyevich as one of “The Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century” for his contribution to the development of the international educational process and his personal achievements in the educational field.

Professor Babanin pays great attention to the scientific work carried out at the University. He has established a new original School of Clinical and Experimental Morphology. The investigations of the last years deal with the forensic estimation of the visceral pathology in alcohol intoxication, and combined alcohol and drug intoxication. On the basis of numerous researches he has created and put into production new surgical absorbable suture, which is unique in the world due to its medical and biological properties. Besides, Professor Babanin is an author of 5 other inventions patented in Ukraine and other European countries. Under his guidance 6 doctoral and 27 candidate’s (Ph. D.) theses have been prepared and defended.

The list of bibliography of his works includes 290 scientific articles and 7 monographs on the issues of Experimental Surgery, Morphology, and Forensic Medicine. Professor Babanin A. A. is an editor and co-author of the manual «Legislative Basis for the Activity of Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers», textbook «Jurisprudence», textbook «Forensic Medicine» in the English language – all are approved by the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine.

For his fruitful activity in the field of scientific researches,public health, education Professor Babanin A. A. has been awarded the titles: «Honoured Worker of Science and Technique of Ukraine», «Honoured Worker of Science and Technique of the Crimea», laureate of the National Prize of the Crimea in the field of balneology, awarded by the president of Ukraine the Order of Merit of the 3rd degree, the Order of Saint Prince Vladimir Equal to the Apostles of the 1st degree, the Albert Schweizer Gold Medal, the Order of Peter the Great of the 1st degree, the commemorative token and diploma of the whole-Ukrainian project «The Best Establishments for the Medical Education in Ukraine» for his significant contribution to the development of medical education, diploma of the whole-Ukrainian project «The Honoured Names of Ukraine» for his contribution to the development of the national education and science, the Honoured Certificate by the Metropolitan of Kiev and the whole Ukraine and the Ukrainian Orthodox church Order of Ahapit Pechersky, the Order of St.Luke, Archbishop of Crimea.

As a head of the higher school Professor Babanin А. А. provides its prosperity, high educational level, in particular the professional medical education and scientific researches of high quality. His concept of development has stabilized the University economic state, allowed to introduce into the educational and research process modern technologies and incorporate new approaches. The successful development of all the aspects of the University activities had been highly appreciated by the Government, and in 1998 the Institute was reorganized into the University.

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