As we know, there’s a pandemia of influenza A H1N1 on approach, which is the severe airborn infection in some cases resulting into letal outcome.
1. If you’ve been to counries with confirmed A H1N1 influenza and you have such symptoms as: fever higher than 38 degrees, sore throat, myalgia, cough and breathlessness, – it might be the onset of the disease.
2. If you didn’t leave Ukraine but contacted to people who arrived from pandemic regions and within 7 days you developed above-mentioned symptoms, it may be influenza.
3. You have to observe your health and status (your friends, relatives etc) within 7 days since arrival.
4. In case of SUSPITION (presence of any of symptoms) call for a doctor IMMEDIATELY (inborm the personnel about your contact).
Keeping these simple measures, we will be able to control the spread of the pandemy.