1. Title content
2. N. V. Antipov, I. V. Fesak, A. B. Zarickii, S. V. Voitenko, D. V. Siroid Features of collateral blood supply of inguinal gap
3. O. P. Antoniuk, V. Yu. Yershov Specific characteristics of the structure of the intramural apparatus in small intestinal wall atresia of newborns
4. Ye.Yu. Bessalova Xenogenic cerebrospinal fluid's regulation effects
5. S. M. Bilash, V. I. Shepitko, H. A. Yeroshenko, O. D. Lysachenko, K.. V. Shepitko Reaction of exocrinocytes of cardial section of the stomach to the administration of "platex placental" drug against the acute experimental gastritis
6. Yu. N. Vovk, O. Yu. Vovk, V. S. Cherno, A. A. Shmargalev, O. V. Redyakina Own devices for construction research craniological
7. Yu. N. Vovk, J. Yu. Vovk, V. S. Cherno, A. A Shmargalev, Yu. V. Boguslavsky New ways of making preparations for mofological research
8. V. V. Gargin, O. V. Dolgaya Peculiarities of the cellular components of the gastric mucosa in children with gastroduodenitis
9. F. I. Gerasimenko, E. A. Koliuchkina, P. N. Kolbasin, S. K. Severinova Role of immunomodulators and prebiotics to processes of reparation for patients with chronic nicotine depen¬dence after endoossal of implantation
10. Z. N. Danischuk, А. G. Skidanov, I. А. Batura Paraspinal muscles morphology of patients with degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine
11. Yu. V. Dovgyallo, O. K. Zenin, N. V. Kovalchuk, L. M. Dugadko, R. V. Basiy Comparative morphometric characteristics of the cyclic, intermediate and tree-shape parts of the large intestine mesenteric arterial bed according to the segmental model of its structure
12. V. G. Dudenko, S. J. Maslovskiy, V. I. Vdovichenko, V. V. Kurinnoy Individual anatomical variability of the human diaphragm structure studied on the basis of spiral computer tomography data
13. Yu. P. Zhuravlova, Yu. N. Vovk Biomechanical properties of cerebral falx of human dura mater in adult human
14. О. К. Zenin, V. S. Overko, M. V. Beskrovnaya, V. M. Bruchanov, M. G. Rudenco Computer simulation of hemodynamics in curved vessels
15. V. M. Zubachyk, M. O. Iskiv, I. V. Gan, A. M. Yashchenko Experimental study of the plasticostimulating effect of drugs based on the synthetic polymers when topically applied
16. V. B. Ikramov, Yu. N. Vovk Change ability and type craniometry of viscerocranium for people of mature age
17. V. Kapshitar Morphological diagnosis of acute appendicitis and his shapes in environmentally unfriendly industrial city
18. Y. V. Kyrychenko, L. A. Sarafynyk, N. A. Kaminska Correlation of amplitude electrocardiographic indexes with constitutional characteristics
19. T. M. Kiselyova, M. S. Pushkar, L. O. Solovyova Morphological and lektinogistokhimichni manifestation of alternative therapy of experimental autoimmune hepatitis by radon baths
20. P. N. Kolbasin, F. I. Gerasimenko, E.A. Koliuchkina, O. M. Lavrovskaya The influence of chronic nicotine intoxication on microbiological indexes of oral cavity after setting of endossal implants
21. P. N. Kolbasin, F. I. Gerasimenko, E. A. Koliuchkina, K. G. Kushnir The citomorfometrical indexes of oral cavity for orthopaedic patients with chronic nicotine intoxication after setting of endoossal implants
22. P. N. Kolbasin, E. A. Koliuchkina, R. A. Kolbasina The influence of electromagnetic radiation of mobile communication means on morphological structure of red corpuscles
23. L. Kolesnik Macromicroscopic anatomy of the spleen nerves
24. T. A. Kolomoyets Formation of carbohydrate exchange in the skin germs in the early human embryogenesis
25. V. Korsak, T. P Kuftyreva, L. P. Zapryvoda, S. M. Shamalo, A. S. Demydchuk The ultrastructure of neurocytes of the motor center of an injured sciatic nerve under the influence of highfrequency electrosurgical instrument
26. A. Kuvenyov Structural features of the convexital part of human brain dura mater
27. A.S. Kulish, D. N. Sheyan, V.A. Nedorezova, M. A. Lyutenko, R. A. Sukhonosov Method to access the sternocleidomastoid area, with preservation of the integrity of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
28. P. V. Kulbaba Peculiarity of developmenr of mastoid and condylar emissary vein at fetases
29. V. N. Kunitsa, N. P. Barsukov, N. А. Novoselskaya, О. Y. Yarovaya, V. P. Shkurenko A spinal root's hollow tube use for the nerve stitching area coating
30. O. G. Kusch, O. V. Zlobina A quantitative and qualitative analysis of distribution of CD56+-lymphocytes the uterus decidual membrane at the first and second pregnancy periods at physiologically proceeding pregnancy and after spontaneous abortion
31. L. P. Lavriv, I. Yu. Olijnyk Change carbohydrate determinants of the tissues during early embryonic histogenesis parotid glands of human.
32. V. E. Lavrynuk State of the carotid arteries in patients in the early stages of calcific disease
33. E. Malov, V. A. Vasiliev Anatomic restructure of the papillary muscles and walls of the ventricles in their off-come location at aorta coarctation
34. V. D. Markovsky, L. S. Kupriyanova Morphological peculiarities of the ovaries of the fetuses from mothers with complicated pregnancy
35. V. Martynuk, Yu. G. Baranovskiy, Ye. Yu. Shapovalova Expression of sialo- and n-acetyl-d-glucosaminoconugates in early organogenesis of skin of human embryos and in the structures of keloid scars
36. М.М Morozova, V.B. Kaliberdenko, D.N. Shablii Morphological evaluation of efficiency of combined neurotropic drugs in treatment of traumatic neuritis of the inferior alveolar nerve
37. V. P. Novak, O. S. Bevz Intraorganion and segmentalinnervation of capsule of the knee joint
38. A.S. Ogurtsov, R. S. Nazarian, V. V. Gargin Effect of non-removable orthodontic techniques on endothelial dysfunction of periodontal tissues and its correction
39. V. A. Pastukhova, L. M. Gunina, G. V. Lukyantseva, M. V. Belikova Ultrastructural features of the soleus muscle under the influence of physical activity in the experiment
40. V. I. Pivtorak, O. A. Smiyukha, M. P. Bul'ko Electron microscopic changes in the testicle structural components after varicocele modeling and surgery by the authors' method
41. V. P. Pishak, M. O. Riznichuk Multiple congenital аnomalies: epidemiology and a clinical analysis
42. M. V. Pogorelov, O. V. Kalinkevich, A. V. Solodovnik, A. N. Oleshko, A. N. Kalinkevich, V. V. Kornienko, Y. A. Tkachenko, G. F. Tkach, S. N. Danilchenko, I. M. Babich Chitosan use to treat skindamageofvariousetiologies
43. O. G. Popadynets, M. I. Ghryshchuk, O. V. Boiko, N. M. Dubyna, A. S. Dmytrenko Morphofunctional changes of genito-urinary system organs during the first day of the posthypothermic period
44. G. Popandopulo, A. S. Kavelina, O. N. Ivanova, G. I. Drozhzhina The role of limbal cells in regeneration of cornea
45. Popandopulo, M. Petrova, D. Yuditskiy Morphological examination of the extracellular matrix of decellurized cardiovascular grafts
46. M. Pronina, S. I. Serbin, O. Yu.Polovik, G. A. Eroshenko Morphometric features of mucosa's structural elements of lower wall and partition of human's frontal sinus' in a norme
47. G. P. Ruzin, O. V. Tkachenko, M. S. Myroshnychenko, O. N. Pliten, A. A. Myroshnychenko Chronic toxic osteomyelitis in patients that taken the drug «pervitin»
48. S. Y. Rybalko, S. G. Yashchenko, P. N. Kolbasin Moring effects of the low - intensity electromagnetsc radiation and morfologscal changes of human blood erytrocytes
49. T. V. Savchuk, V. P. Zakharova Ratio trabecular and compact myocardium in the wall of the left ventricle in fetuses with hypoplasia syndrome left heart
50. R. V. Skoruk Morphological and morphometrical analysis of reaction of liver tissues and skeletal muscle pollfllamentnogo implantation of surgical suture material of silk
51. S. Stefanenko, I. V. Gunas, M. P. Kostenko, O. M. Vovchuk, O. O. Gavrylenko The Comparison Of Doppler Echocardiographic Parameters Of Left Heart Departments In Juvenile Age Athletes And In Those Who Do Not Exercise Regularly
52. L. V. Stklanina, A. A. Tyurenkov, V. I. Luzin Craniometric features in young males and females of the different body constitution
53. P. A. Topolov, O. K. Zenin, A. V. Dmitriev, P. V. Kudymov, A. E. Khudyikov The morphometric characteristic of arterial dichotomies of the liver vascular bed
54. R. L. Ustenko, O. O. Sherstyuk, N. L. Svintsitska, A. A. Kobets Stereomorphologic features of the glands of peripheral zone of the human prostate gland
55. L. Ya. Fedonyuk, G. P. Chaban, L. N. Rybitska, A. S. Avsyukevich Epidemiological characteristic, clinical and diagnostic peculiarities of the systemic tick-borne Lyme in Ternopil region
56. Т. Hachina Carrent issues of the aortic functional morphology
57. Shay, A. Mahniboroda, G. Kiryakulov, E. Zgdanov, E. Kryukov Comparative characteristics of the arterial bed spleen of men and women, 1st and 2nd period of mature nurture.
58. Ye.Yu. Shapovalova, N. I. Maistruck, Т. А. Boiko Change of adhesive propities of the lung and pancreas cells in human embryos at tubal pregnancy
59. E. A. Shevchenko, R. S. Nazar, M. M. Levon, D. A. Dorofeyev Morphological changes in the gastric mucosa of patients with liver cirrhosis and phenomena of portal hyperten¬sion in a stage of aggravation on the background of long-term use of alcohol
60. V. I. Shepitko, K. V. Shepitko, G. A. Yeroshenko, S. M. Bilash A method for identifying the endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tract on epoxy thin sections
61. V. M. Shimon, A.A Shereghy, M. V. Shimon, O. M. Vajnagij, V. V. Litvak The study for osteogenic aktivity of the transplantated bone marrow cells into the different of age experimental rats hip bone defect
62. V. S. Shkolnikov, Yu. Y. Guminsky, V. O. Tyholaz Morphometrical parameters structures of spinal cord the human fetals 8-9 weeks of intrauterine period
63. L. V. Shkrobot Peculiarities of remodeling and morphometric characteristics of liver and kidney vessels under conditions of reperfusion of the small intestine after eliminating its experimental obstruction
64. Yu.V. Bobrik, G.A. Moroz, V.A. Ponomaryov, V. V. Tkach, O.B. Matveev Clinical morphology and pathogenesis of vertebral osteochondrosis with neurologic signs (review)
65. S. G. Gryvenko, V. S. Pikaluk, A. S. Hatipov, E. A. Zhuravel Evolution of grafts in herontology and ways of their improvement
66. V. Zadnipryany, T. P. Sataieva Morphological and functional changes in perinatal hypoxia and their possible correction
67. M. A. Kriventsov Cerebrospinal fluid review: considerations for immunoregulatory role and current trends
68. E. F. Barinov, O. N. Sulaieva, O. I. Nikolenko, A. V. Stepura, M. N. Ignateva, E. D. Krakchotkina Determinants of students' effective studying of theoretical subjects in medical university
69. O. A. Beshulia, I. I. Zincovych, R. V. Basii, O. K. Zenin Presentation as a visual form of showing the information in the educational process
70. А. B. Kobzar, I. L. Pervar, N. U. Radomska, T. T. Hvorostana, M. V. Parhomenko The role of clinical and biologicalobjects in the educational process at higher medical institution
71. S. N. Chilingaridi, I. G. Potapova, E. V. Shvectsov, V. S. Chetvertkov, E. E. Nikiforova Progress of students and controls at the Department of Human Anatomy