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Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky


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Main page | Scientific journals CSMU | Tavricheskiy Mediko-Biologicheskiy Vestnik | 2013 | 2013 Т.16 №1(2)

2013 Т.16 №1(2)

1. Title content



2. N. V. Antipov, I. V. Fesak, A. B. Zarickii, S. V. Voitenko, D. V. Siroid Features of collateral blood supply of inguinal gap

6. Yu. N. Vovk, O. Yu. Vovk, V. S. Cherno, A. A. Shmargalev, O. V. Redyakina Own devices for construction research craniological

7. Yu. N. Vovk, J. Yu. Vovk, V. S. Cherno, A. A Shmargalev, Yu. V. Boguslavsky New ways of making preparations for mofological research

14. О. К. Zenin, V. S. Overko, M. V. Beskrovnaya, V. M. Bruchanov, M. G. Rudenco Computer simulation of hemodynamics in curved vessels

27. A.S. Kulish, D. N. Sheyan, V.A. Nedorezova, M. A. Lyutenko, R. A. Sukhonosov Method to access the sternocleidomastoid area, with preservation of the integrity of the sternocleidomastoid muscle

29. V. N. Kunitsa, N. P. Barsukov, N. А. Novoselskaya, О. Y. Yarovaya, V. P. Shkurenko A spinal root's hollow tube use for the nerve stitching area coating

39. V. A. Pastukhova, L. M. Gunina, G. V. Lukyantseva, M. V. Belikova Ultrastructural features of the soleus muscle under the influence of physical activity in the experiment

42. M. V. Pogorelov, O. V. Kalinkevich, A. V. Solodovnik, A. N. Oleshko, A. N. Kalinkevich, V. V. Kornienko, Y. A. Tkachenko, G. F. Tkach, S. N. Danilchenko, I. M. Babich Chitosan use to treat skindamageofvariousetiologies

43. O. G. Popadynets, M. I. Ghryshchuk, O. V. Boiko, N. M. Dubyna, A. S. Dmytrenko Morphofunctional changes of genito-urinary system organs during the first day of the posthypothermic period

44. G. Popandopulo, A. S. Kavelina, O. N. Ivanova, G. I. Drozhzhina The role of limbal cells in regeneration of cornea

47. G. P. Ruzin, O. V. Tkachenko, M. S. Myroshnychenko, O. N. Pliten, A. A. Myroshnychenko Chronic toxic osteomyelitis in patients that taken the drug «pervitin»

53. P. A. Topolov, O. K. Zenin, A. V. Dmitriev, P. V. Kudymov, A. E. Khudyikov The morphometric characteristic of arterial dichotomies of the liver vascular bed

54. R. L. Ustenko, O. O. Sherstyuk, N. L. Svintsitska, A. A. Kobets Stereomorphologic features of the glands of peripheral zone of the human prostate gland

60. V. I. Shepitko, K. V. Shepitko, G. A. Yeroshenko, S. M. Bilash A method for identifying the endocrine cells of the gastrointestinal tract on epoxy thin sections



64. Yu.V. Bobrik, G.A. Moroz, V.A. Ponomaryov, V. V. Tkach, O.B. Matveev Clinical morphology and pathogenesis of vertebral osteochondrosis with neurologic signs (review)

65. S. G. Gryvenko, V. S. Pikaluk, A. S. Hatipov, E. A. Zhuravel Evolution of grafts in herontology and ways of their improvement



68. E. F. Barinov, O. N. Sulaieva, O. I. Nikolenko, A. V. Stepura, M. N. Ignateva, E. D. Krakchotkina Determinants of students' effective studying of theoretical subjects in medical university

69. O. A. Beshulia, I. I. Zincovych, R. V. Basii, O. K. Zenin Presentation as a visual form of showing the information in the educational process

70. А. B. Kobzar, I. L. Pervar, N. U. Radomska, T. T. Hvorostana, M. V. Parhomenko The role of clinical and biologicalobjects in the educational process at higher medical institution

71. S. N. Chilingaridi, I. G. Potapova, E. V. Shvectsov, V. S. Chetvertkov, E. E. Nikiforova Progress of students and controls at the Department of Human Anatomy

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