Coat of Arms
State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky



Medicobiological Conference in Enlish

On 25 February, 2012 the conference in the English language was held for students of CSMU in lecture hall No 1 of the main building. It was organized by the department of medical biology. The conference took place on the eve of the 84th International theoretical and practical conference of students’ scientific society (SSS) and young scientists, which will be held on 22 March, 2012.

At the conference both abstract reports and reports based on results of research work of 1st -2nd -year students from India, Libya, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ukraine (12 reports upon the whole) were presented.

Various themes of reports were of great interest to everybody (according to registration about 120 students of different courses were present, though the conference took place on Saturday).

The students presented the results of their research work on problems of genetics, nanotechnologies, cloning and other interesting and enigmatic phenomena of medical biology.

The following representatives were on the jury: associate professor of the department of histology, cytology and embryology Candidate of medical sciences I.A. Lugin, assistant of medical biology department Candidate of medical sciences O.I. Lyashchenko, assistants of medical biology department S.N. Smirnova and A.V. Bisyuk – they all marked the actuality and practical value of most presented works.

The reports of such students as Ojo Anuluwapo, Maina Jeremiah Yag, Bello -Emmanuel Oluvaferanmi ( “History of Malaria”), Dharitree Senapati, Atreyi Bhuyan ( “Epigenetics”), Elsosli Salsabil Madjdi Ahmed (“Nobel Prize Winners in Medicine”), Ngbede Isa John (“Chromosomes. Cytogenetic methods in Medical Genetics”) were highly appreciated by the jury.

The works of Annum Riaz Ahmed (“Three Interesting Issues of Medical Biology”) and Nwanevu Sylvanus, Payong Ndjamen Herman Franklin, Akogu Enemona (“Stem cells”) were acknowledged as the best.

The reports of such students as Bachwala Rohit (“Achieving Impossibilities Through Nanotechnology“), Aluko Olufunmilayo Jennifer, Ohabuenyi Sandra Uzoma (“Fantastic 4”) Mavis Chisom Robinson, Justina Iipinge, Cynthia Egenti (“Genetics and Myth”), Efimova Anna (“The Indicators of Physical Health of Teenagers with Aggressive Behavior Demonstration”), Katerina Kozlova (“Study of the Fertility Potential of the Polycystic Ovary under the Influence of the Chronic Alcoholic Intoxication and Its Correction”), Elsosli Feras Madjdi Ahmed (“Mitochondria and Its DNA”) were also of great interest to all present at the conference.

All theworks had a research orientation, dealt with the actual problems of science and society.

The arrangement of such mini-conferences for the English-speaking students allows to activate their thinking, to broaden their outlook, to instil interest in research work, to reveal the potential of future specialists.
The participants got the diplomas and the best works were marked by memorable souvenirs.

In the pictures: Annum Riaz Ahmed (on the left);
Nwanevu Sylvanus, Payong Ndjamen Herman Franklin, Akogu Enemona.

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