Molecular Passport to Everybody |
The department of biochemistry of our university participates in the international scientific project on issuing DNA passports to all biological objects inhabiting the earth. The center co-ordinating the researches is in Canada.
Within the framework of this project Professor Gerhard Tarmann arrived at CSMU from Austria with a two-week visit. On February, 7 he jointly with the head of biochemistry department Professor K.A. Efetov delivered an open lecture in the Round lecture-hall which was attended by about 150 students of first and second medical, stomatological, and international medical faculties, as well as by staff of biochemistry, histology and physics departments. The Professors spoke about the research of nucleotide sequence in the gene of first subunit of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase, which is unique almost for every biological kind on our planet.
The Austrian guest proudly marked that in the Crimea state medical university (the Honoured Professor of which he is – ed.) the gene of cytochrome oxidase was first in the world “read” (identified) in more than 100 biological kinds. With the help of the obtained findings it is now possible to identify not only the whole organism, but any fragment of biological material. These scientific results are of great theoretical value; they can also be applied in ecological researches and in the forensic medical practice.
In the picture: the lecture is delivered by Professors G. Tarmann (Austria) and K.A. Efetov.