The leading cardiologist of Switzerland, director and head doctor of cardiology clinic of the University Hospital in Zurich Thomas Lyusher addressed the Crimea government with the offer to strengthen collaboration in the area of medicine. He stated the intention to render all-round assistance to the Republican Ministry of Health in organization of work of the University clinic during the nearest 5-10 years.
On June 15, in the Ministry of Health of ARC there was a meeting of Minister Igor Shpak with Professor Lyusher’s assistant Doctor Britt Legler and Director of Diagnostic center of Zurich University Hospital Gary Katomas, MD.
Mr. Shpak informed the guests about the fact that on June 1 the Crimean republican institution the “Clinical Territorial Medical Association “University Clinic” was officially founded in the Crimea, and Vladimir Dragan, MD, associate professor, head of the course of traumatology and orthopaedy was appointed its General Manager.
Addressing the Swiss physicians, the Minister said, “Your visit to the Crimea is extremely important and topical. At present an active work is carried out on the peninsula on organization of the University clinic which structural subdivisions will be ten medical centers. Your experience in organization of work of the University clinic in Zurich is of great value to us, as we want to adopt your practices in the sphere of health protection”.
In their turn the Swiss colleagues on behalf of Professor Lyusher offered collaboration within the framework of joint pilot project. “We hope for collaboration of two equal partners. In the Crimea we have seen that you have an excellent medical science, excellent specialists who cope with assigned tasks, in the conditions of limited resources at that. With such skilled staff the future of the University clinic of the Crimea is very perspective” – Gary Katomas said.
Within the framework of collaboration between the University clinics of the Crimea and Switzerland such questions as two-way exchange of experience, organization of cardiologic service, providing medical establishments of autonomous republic with modern and hi-tech equipment, etc are considered. The pilot project will be aimed at professional development, training cardiologists, cardiosurgeons, scrub nurses. The experienced cardiologists of Switzerland are ready to render a consultative help and perform operations directly in the Crimean University clinic. The exchange of grant holders within the framework of scientific researches and medicine is also planned. The leading doctors of the Crimea will have the possibility to stay in the main medical centers of the University clinic of Switzerland for a month.
For information: According to “Strategy of Economic and Social Development of the Crimea till 2020” the achievement of high-quality level of medical industry, providing the European standards of medical care are considered to be an extremely important direction.
One of priority steps for reformation of health protection system is foundation of the University clinic. It is a new project for the Autonomous Republic in which the scientific potential of CSMU and medical bases of leading republican medical establishments unite into the modern effective model of practical health protection. The University clinic will have more than a thousand cots and will provide citizens of the Crimea and guests of the peninsula with highly qualified medical care, based on the latest achievements in science, particularly in the area of cardiosurgery, perinatal technologies, neurosurgery, A&E care, diagnostics.
According to Materials of Press-Service of Public Health Ministry of Ukraine