One of the most important priorities in the work of government is development of close cooperation with the community and organization of public dialogue. A government “hot line”-0-800-507-309 is a call center of government contacts with the population getting an immediate feedback from the executive authorities and contributes to the problem solution.
Any citizen can address any complaints to the government “hot line”. Besides, applications, propositions, complaints are accepted from the representatives of enterprises, both state institutions and organizations, businessmen.
All the applications received by “hot line” calling center government specialists are sent to the executive authority body responsible for the problem solution. They sort out a problem and send a written answer.
It is important to know that only appeals concerning executive authorities competence are registered and sorted out.
The government “hot line” 0-800-507-309 works from Monday to Friday, working hours - 8.00 – 19.00. Sundays and holidays are days off.
Domestic calls from fixed location phones are free of charge, from mobile ones one should pay according to the prices indicated by a mobile operator. It is necessary to inform surname, name, patronymic, place of residence and address, contact telephone and clearly submit the problem (application, proposition, or complaint) to the “hot line” specialists. Registered appeals are sorted out in the appropriate executive authority bodies. They check the facts; in some cases they adopt resolutions, if necessary, and send answers to the applicants. Government contact center constantly controls the terms and course of problem solution, in some cases sends feedback.
Appeals, which don’t need additional study, are considered within 5 days, and those, which need additional study, within 15 days after their registration. When executive body decides to prolong the term of problem study having objective reasons, then it informs the applicant at a stated time.
But the general term of problem solution and a term of answering on it can’t be longer than 30 days. An applicant also has a possibility to know about the course of petition study, but he/she has to call to the “hot line” 0-800-507-309 and indicate the personal number of the petition given before.
Applicant receives an answer in the written form on the address indicated in the petition from the executive body. In case the answer doesn’t satisfy the applicant, he/she has a possibility to call the “hot line” specialists again, inform the number of petition and register another petition to be solved in the indicated terms.
Specialists of government contact center are always respectful to all calling to the government “hot line”. They try to do everything possible to help with problem solution by the executive bodies it doesn’t mater it is a complaint or gratitude. Government “hot line” specialists are always online with the citizens of Ukraine.