Coat of Arms
State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky



A great joy for children on the New Year

On the New Year eve and Christmas for six years foreign students of international medical faculty have been visiting children’s house No.1 in Gagarin street, unfortunate children for whom teachers became their mothers and fathers.

Some of the children are taken by their compassionate relatives to celebrate the holiday with them. But most of the little ones stay there, the place being already their shelter and home.

Yevdokiya Ivanovna Gerasimenko, the Grand mother of children’s house and the head of it says, - there are no cold, indifferent, unconcerned people among them. Children with vulnerable souls, cruel fate, who have already suffered indignity and betrayal live there.

We welcome every kind word, any support and help. When foreign students speaking different languages but feeling the children’s pain come to us, it makes us happy.

The initiative group at the head of the leaders – president of Nigerian students, Orikh Benedict Chibuzor, vice-president of Indian association – Barinder Singh, secretary of the committee Nandini Sharma, Fabusi Valeri Chi from Cameroon, Neriode Richardson, Joseph Ama Tobiakh, Bello Oluvasei Viktor, Ibrahim Musa Jeatau, Adesui Azeile Ezekilei, Jagbo Nierovvu Klement, Bhadval Bhuneshvari, Jitender Singh, Kharprit Singh decided to surprise children this year. At the supermarket “Tair” the students have chosen a modern video camera and board of directors of the supermarket have chosen a videoplayer to present the children.

Guests and children gathered at the Grand Hall. The Grand mother, Yevdokiya Ivanovna, vice-rector on international relations Phazel Khamid Mabud, presidents of associations greeted children. Then children sang songs, danced, and recited poems. Nigerian students also sang some stirring in African rhythm songs, and Nandini Sharma in her national suit danced an Indian dance.

  Children didn’t want us to leave. All of a sudden a 7-year-old girl Nastya, cuddling up to the Nigerian student, asked to take her to Africa, maybe she would find Mowgli, and they would live together, and everything would be ok.

A little Masha sitting on the lap of doctor Phazel Khamid Mabud asked to find her mom, who was lost and couldn’t find the way to school….

Parting we’ve got some unpretentious presents made by orphans. Everything was both great, interesting and …sad.

A letter of gratitude was sent to the rector of CSMU, professor A.A. Babanin with the words- Administration of Simferopol children’s school No.1 for orphan children thanks vice-rector, Doctor Khamid, assistant of vice-rector V.A. Roshchin, social teacher O.I. Irkhina and the foreign students for their care and kind attitude towards children.

We hope for further cooperation and wish the team of the university happiness and prosperity in the new 2011 year.

With respect and on behalf of all,

The head of school, Ye. I. Gerasimenko

Time is constantly counting 2011….

Be merciful not only on the New Year but on other significant dates of the year.

Assistant of vice-rector,


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