Coat of Arms
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky



New manual

OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY. Practical workbook for students and internship doctors of medical universities of the IV levels of accreditation. V.A. Zabolotnov, A.N.Rybalka, I.K.Kamilova, U.A. Kucherenko, Dеmidova N.S. – Simferopol. Ch.P. Plakhova А.– D.V. –  2010. – 400 p.

Teaching in English at the International Faculty requires from the professors advanced English knowledge and skills to be able to teach their students in the modern English language. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 together with the Department of Gynecology and Perinatology of the Faculty of Post-Diploma Education have published a new manual in Obstetrics and Gynecology in English, which has been approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. The manual is intended for the students of medical higher schools of the IV accreditation level, who study according to modular-credit system, and internship doctors (according to the new curriculum).

The manual contains materials for independent work, as well as for using it at practical classes, for example  – for the control of knowledge level. The edition has 90 illustrations and 6 tables, includes the description of practical skills, as well as diagnostic and situational tasks composed according to the modern protocols and international requirements.

Positive reviews are given by such prominent figures in obstetrics and gynecology as: academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine V.I. Hrishenko, academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine V.N. Zaporozhan, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, the president of the Association of Obstetricians-Gynecologists of Ukraine B.V. Ventskovsky, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine V.К. Chaika.

The use of this manual will facilitate the better understanding of the material and training of foreign students and internship doctors for passing the exams STEP-2 and STEP-3 Medicine.

«Medical Herald» № 18, December, 2010.

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