Coat of Arms
State Institution
Crimea State Medical University named after S. I. Georgievsky



Dear colleges,

Health Ministry of Ukraine,
Ukrainian Ministry of Inner Affairs Medical Maintenance and Rehabilitation Department,
Ukrainian Ministry of Extraordinary Situations Medical-Biological Protection Department,
Ukrainian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Health Resort Treatment and
Crimean State Medical University named by Georgievsky

would like to invite you to take a participation in international conference “ The Problem of Health Resort Complex Medical – Psychological Rehabilitation of Persons Undergo an Extraordinary Situation”.


Conference will take place in “Sokol” Medical-Rehabilitation Centre, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine, on March 10-11, 2011.
The conference has been divided into the following 8 sessions:

Session 1

“Actual theoretical, conceptual, methodological and practical aspects of medical – psychological rehabilitation”

Session 2

“Strategies, tendencies and perspectives of medical – psychological rehabilitation”

Session 3

“Main tasks of cooperation of state and private institutions in process of medical – psychological rehabilitation”

Session 4

“Legal regulation of medical – psychological rehabilitation centers at health resorts”

Session 5

“Recent achievements and problems in natural factors usage for medical – psychological rehabilitation at health resorts and rest zones”

Session 6

“Medical rehabilitation service quality control”

Session 7

“Modern medical – psychological rehabilitation technologies”

Session 8

“Medical – psychological rehabilitation of persons undergo an extraordinary situation round table”.

Presentations: For presentation, titles and bullets should be in 36 point characters – sub-bullets in 36 or 24 point characters, Times New Roman fonts.

Please give us the soft copy by E-mail:, file title – author first name (no more than 8 letters) and two hard copies by mail to Organizing Committee, Ukrainian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Health Resort Treatment, Lermontov Lane, 6, Odessa, Ukraine.

Dead line – 15 January, 2011.

Please bring with you a hard copy of your full paper together with disc version.

Venue: The conference will be held in the conference facilities of “Sokol” Medical-Rehabilitation Centre, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine.

Accommodation: standard room in “Sokol” Medical-Rehabilitation Centre, 60 $ per day (including catering).

Contact phones:

Alexander Zrebny, Director of “Sokol” Medical-Rehabilitation Centre, +38 6566 21009;

Irina Vodovar, Vice-director of “Sokol” Medical-Rehabilitation Centre, +38 6566 21720;

Luidmila Griniaeva, Organizing Committee, Ukrainian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Health Resort Treatment, +38 0482 372123.

Application form:

Please give us the following application form by mail to Organizing Committee, Ukrainian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Health Resort Treatment, Lermontov Lane, 6, Odessa, Ukraine (dead line – 15 January, 2011).

“ The Problem of Health Resort Complex Medical – Psychological Rehabilitation of Persons Undergo an Extraordinary Situation”, March 10-11, 2011.

First Name _____________________________________

Last Name _____________________________________

Scientific Degree __________________________________

Position _________________________________________

Institute (Firm) ____________________________________

Address ________________________________________

Phone ____________________________________________________

Fax, E-mail ____________________________________________

Arrival/Departure Date _____________________________________________

Presentation Title _________________________________________________

Presentation mode (lecture, poster) ____________________________________

Equipment required (LCD projector , multiprojector, overhead projector) _______________

Date _________                                                                   Signature _________________________


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