Dear colleges,
Health Ministry of Ukraine,
Ukrainian Ministry of Inner Affairs Medical Maintenance and Rehabilitation Department,
Ukrainian Ministry of Extraordinary Situations Medical-Biological Protection Department,
Ukrainian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Health Resort Treatment and
Crimean State Medical University named by Georgievsky
would like to invite you to take a participation in international conference “ The Problem of Health Resort Complex Medical – Psychological Rehabilitation of Persons Undergo an Extraordinary Situation”.
Conference will take place in “Sokol” Medical-Rehabilitation Centre, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine, on March 10-11, 2011.
The conference has been divided into the following 8 sessions:
Session 1
“Actual theoretical, conceptual, methodological and practical aspects of medical – psychological rehabilitation”
Session 2
“Strategies, tendencies and perspectives of medical – psychological rehabilitation”
Session 3
“Main tasks of cooperation of state and private institutions in process of medical – psychological rehabilitation”
Session 4
“Legal regulation of medical – psychological rehabilitation centers at health resorts”
Session 5
“Recent achievements and problems in natural factors usage for medical – psychological rehabilitation at health resorts and rest zones”
Session 6
“Medical rehabilitation service quality control”
Session 7
“Modern medical – psychological rehabilitation technologies”
Session 8
“Medical – psychological rehabilitation of persons undergo an extraordinary situation round table”.
Presentations: For presentation, titles and bullets should be in 36 point characters – sub-bullets in 36 or 24 point characters, Times New Roman fonts.
Please give us the soft copy by E-mail:, file title – author first name (no more than 8 letters) and two hard copies by mail to Organizing Committee, Ukrainian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Health Resort Treatment, Lermontov Lane, 6, Odessa, Ukraine.
Dead line – 15 January, 2011.
Please bring with you a hard copy of your full paper together with disc version.
Venue: The conference will be held in the conference facilities of “Sokol” Medical-Rehabilitation Centre, Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine.
Accommodation: standard room in “Sokol” Medical-Rehabilitation Centre, 60 $ per day (including catering).
Contact phones:
Alexander Zrebny, Director of “Sokol” Medical-Rehabilitation Centre, +38 6566 21009;
Irina Vodovar, Vice-director of “Sokol” Medical-Rehabilitation Centre, +38 6566 21720;
Luidmila Griniaeva, Organizing Committee, Ukrainian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Health Resort Treatment, +38 0482 372123.
Application form:
Please give us the following application form by mail to Organizing Committee, Ukrainian Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Health Resort Treatment, Lermontov Lane, 6, Odessa, Ukraine (dead line – 15 January, 2011).
“ The Problem of Health Resort Complex Medical – Psychological Rehabilitation of Persons Undergo an Extraordinary Situation”, March 10-11, 2011.
First Name _____________________________________
Last Name _____________________________________
Scientific Degree __________________________________
Position _________________________________________
Institute (Firm) ____________________________________
Address ________________________________________
Phone ____________________________________________________
Fax, E-mail ____________________________________________
Arrival/Departure Date _____________________________________________
Presentation Title _________________________________________________
Presentation mode (lecture, poster) ____________________________________
Equipment required (LCD projector , multiprojector, overhead projector) _______________
Date _________ Signature _________________________