November 12. Theoretical and practical seminar “Modern Technologies in Cardiology” was held for cardiologists, therapeutists, family doctors, pediatricians, children cardiorheumatologists and specialists in functional diagnostics in the large assembly hall of our University. It was unique due to the presence of Lithuanian delegation from Vilnius cardiosurgical center “Cardiolita”, which was invited by CSMU, the Ministry of Health of the Crimea, the Association of Therapeutists and Children Cardiologists of the Crimea. Lithuanian colleagues – Professor-arythmologists Audrys Idietis, D.M. Arunas Valika, angiosurgeon Arthuras Mazkyavichus – delivered their lectures in cardiology, arythmology and vascular surgery to the participants of the seminar and shared their practical experience with colleagues at clinics.
The Lithuanian-Crimean cooperation between has been developing. This year Associate Professor from the Pediatrician Department, G. E. Sukhareva, was invited for practical training at the Vilnius cardiosurgical center. At the beginning of September 2 Lithuanian patients with spinal disturbances underwent restoration treatment in the Crimean sanatorium «Chayka». In October, 2-year-old boy Ivan from Simferopol with rare congenital heart defect had been prepared over 2 weeks for the operation in Vilnius at “Cardiolita” center. On 25 October the operation was performed by Prof. Servidis and Tarutis at the Vilnius University clinic Santarishkes. According to the statements of doctors, the operation, which had been lasting for 2, 5 hours, proved to be very timely and successful.
Surgical intervention and travelling expenses for a child and his parents were covered by businessmen from both countries.
Renata Gretene, one of the managers of “Cardiolita” center, stated that “communication and exchange of experience in the field of medicine are the powers that will never let us close the doors between our countries - for the benefit of each human waiting for help”.
Photo: Lithuanian delegation admitted by CSMU rector Prof. A. A. Babanin (the fourth from the left);
At the meeting the Crimean cardiologists were represented by Prof. V. F. Kubyshkin (the first from the right) and Associate Professor G. E. Sukhareva (the second from the left).
«Medical Bulletin», № 17,November, 2010.